Sunday Morning Gatherings

"Come as you are" is a phrase our church truly believes in and practices, not just preaches. This door isn’t just open to the already church goers, the people who “look like” the ideal Christian, or for the people who look like they have it all together. It’s for everyone—the broken-hearted, the lost that want to be found, the people who are struggling in their own sin, who are walking in a season of questioning, and who need a community to rally and pray alongside them to fight spiritual warfare. We are a home, a family under Christ, and there are no prerequisites to entering this door. You know why? Because there aren't any with Jesus.
Welcome to Children's Church at The Gathering! Our joyful kids, ages 4 and up, eagerly learn about Jesus through interactive lessons, while our safe nursery provides a nurturing environment for ages 3 and under. 
Join us every Sunday at 10:30 AM for a time of worship, fellowship, and a meaningful word. We're excited to gather with you this Sunday morning for a time of connection and spiritual growth. See you there!
While there's nothing quite like being together in person, we've got you covered with our audio version if you can't make it. We're here to ensure you don't miss out on the uplifting message and community spirit.